Recent rain means lush, bright wildflowers across Texas
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Experts say recent rain across much of Texas has contributed to a spectacular 2019 wildflowers season.
The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department on Tuesday announced the colorful displays range from bluebonnets to buttercups to Indian blanket. Botanist Jason Singhurst says admirers of wildflowers can expect more concentrations through April and into May.
Agency officials say Texas, with more than 90 state parks and nearly 6,000 plant species, has plenty of photo opportunities.
Central Texas features bluebonnets, Mexican hat and white milkwort. The Coastal Texas prairies, barrier islands and South Texas have prairie clovers and silverleaf sunflowers.
East Texas has trout lilies, wisteria and flowering dogwood. North Texas includes showy evening primrose, fleabane and wild indigo.
West Texas has rigid paintbrush, yellow rocknettle and the purple wooly locoweed.