Prayer service honors Botham Jean following murder trial
DALLAS - The family of Botham Jean joined his church family and other members of the community to honor his life with a prayer service.
The service was held at the Dallas West Church of Christ just hours after a Dallas County jury sentenced Amber Guyger to 10 years in prison for Jean’s murder.
Church members said they are dedicated to fairness and justice.
Jean’s parents said their youngest son’s decision to forgive and hug Guyger in court was an example of living their faith.
“He really touched my heart. He did something that is synonymous with what we believe in – forgiveness. And I felt I could have done the same,” said Bertrum Jean, his father.
Allison Jean said forgiveness as Christians is needed. She admitted it hasn’t been easy and it has tested her faith. But she’s getting through it knowing her son would have wanted her to stay positive.
Church leaders said although they are pleased with the verdict, there is still healing that needs to take place for all involved, including Guyger.