Plano teen receives Red Cross award for helping save woman's life

A Plano teen was recognized for his quick action to save someone's life.

17-year-old Adrian Ponce was given the American Red Cross certificate of merit by Plano's mayor.

Ponce was volunteering at the City House Gala last September when he rushed to help Marcia Hansen after she fell and hit her head and started bleeding profusely.

Ponce used clothing to apply pressure to the wound and keep her conscious before a medical team arrived.

"Honestly, it makes me feel like the training I used wasn't wasted, and I'm thankful I learned that," he said.

Ponce said about a month after the incident he met up with Hansen and her husband to talk about what happened.

"I'm glad I could help her," Ponce said.

Ponce says his experience proves that everyone should go through some sort of life-saving training.

The Certificate of Merit is the highest award from the Red Cross.

The certificate is signed by the President of the United States, who serves as the honorary chairman of the American Red Cross.

It's given to those who have helped to save someone's life with their training.