Old Farmer's Almanac predicts snowy winter for North Texas

The Old Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a cold and snowy winter for North Texas.

The 2018 edition of the book, first published its first forecasts in 1792, says the coldest weather in Texas will be from late November into early December. It also claims the snowiest times will be in late December and early to mid-February.

A prediction map shows a giant snowflake over North Texas with the words, “Cold, snowy.”

There’s just one catch – no one knows how the Farmer’s Almanac comes up with their predictions. It’s a trade secret. Their predictions are also the direct opposite of the well-respected National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center.

NOAA says its analysis indicates a warmer than usual winter, much like this past year.

As for meteorologist’s opinions of the Almanac… well, there’s just a lot of laughing.