North Texas Food Bank's mobile pantry returns to Fair Park
North Texas Food Bank to hand out 9000 boxes of food at Fair Park
The Texas National Guard is once again helping the North Texas Food Bank feed people in Dallas. FOX 4's Shannon Murray reports live at Fair Park for the drive-thru pantry.
DALLAS - The North Texas Food Bank took its mobile pantry to Fair Park again Thursday.
Starting at 9 a.m., members of the Texas National Guard began helping food bank volunteers distribute food on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Last month, the line of vehicles waiting for food wrapped all the way around the southeast side of Fair Park and back toward Interstate 30. This month, vehicles are entering at Gate 2 and exiting at Gate 15 to try to help with the traffic.
To limit interactions, people are being urged to stay inside their cars and guard members are placing the food in a trunk or back seat.
Jesus Baca showed up early to wait in line for food.
"I think it's sad so many people are out of work," he said. "There's a big need in this country for help, people being out of work, people being sick."
"This COVID-19 doesn't discriminate. We're all in need and we all understand and then we have to pray for those who don't have an option in their essentials. We're all in some type of situation because of it," said Carmel Zeno, who was trying for the third time to pick up food.
North Texas Food Bank officials said they were able to help about 2,000 families and distributed about 6,500 boxes in April. On Thursday, they have 9,000 boxes packed full of non-perishable items to hand out.
They will continue distributing boxes until noon or until all the food is gone.