North Texans stock up before arctic blast hits the Metroplex
North Texans stock up before arctic blast
Many North Texans are getting last-minute items from stores before the extreme cold gets here.
DALLAS - Many North Texans are getting last-minute items from stores before the extreme cold gets here.
Those people said they are just trying to get what they need and get home.
The temperature started dropping Saturday afternoon, it’s only going to continue to get colder.
A hardware store in Irving extended its hours so people could stock up ahead of the extreme temperature swing.
The city of Dallas continued to pre-treat roads and highways with a brine mixture and sand.
Several people said they remember the storm in 2021.
While conditions aren’t expected to reach the same level of concern, that experience taught people to stock up and be prepared.
"We got a lot of batteries, candles, warmers, like emergency blankets just in case. The storm that hit us a couple years ago was really bad in my area, the power went out for like a week. Definitely don’t want to experience that again. So me and my family have prepared ahead of time," Kaylon Williams said.
"The only thing I worry about is the duration because I do have plumbing outside for my washer and dryer, but I bought a propane heater that I’ve never used before and had to get my neighbor to show me how to