N. TX patriots stand guard outside military recruitment offices

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In Cleburne, what started as a small show of support following last week's attack in Tennessee that killed four Marines and a sailor has grown into a group effort.

Veterans and patriots say they want to do what they can to keep U.S. troops safe, even if that means arming themselves with rifles and standing guard outside military recruitment centers.

Army veteran Terry Jackson stood with his AR-15 rifle Tuesday in front of the Cleburne Air Force, Marines and Navy recruiting offices in Cleburne.

Alongside him stood self-described Patriots, all of whom are still shell shocked by the Tennessee attack.

"Until they arm these guys…these recruiters are in there unarmed,” said Jonathan McCroskey, one of the men standing guard. “They're not allowed to have guns inside there. They need to at least have a sidearm." 

Law enforcement is also stepping up their presence at recruiting offices. 

Since arriving Monday, the group outside the Cleburne recruiting offices, called Operation Hero Guard, has grown to half a dozen. 

Some people just honk and yell their support. Others bring food and water. 

While the recruiting office had no comment on the armed guards, the public affairs office of the U.S. Air Force sent FOX 4 a statement saying, "While we appreciate the support and the show of patriotism, the Air Force is coordinating with the appropriate federal and local authorities on force protection issues.”
The men say until then, they're staying put, and employees at nearby businesses say they're glad to have them there.