North Texas woman upset after her car was towed from apartment spot that she pays for
Mesquite woman says she was towed over a typo
A simple typo ended up costing a North Texas veteran more than $300 after her vehicle was towed from an apartment parking spot that she pays for. It's an issue that has become more common.
MESQUITE, Texas - FOX 4 reported last week that the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation plans to discuss how to better regulate the tow truck industry after many have shared stories about losing their cars to a tow after making a simple typo when they registered for a space.
Wednesday, a woman told us her story of getting towed from her own apartment space that she pays for.
Tow trucks can serve a very necessary role when people abuse parking regulations.
But now, more people are saying it's tow truck companies that are taking advantage of people's easily made mistakes when registering on a small phone.
"Tuesday morning, I went outside to my regular gym appointment. My car wasn't there. My first thought, ‘Was my car stolen?’" said one woman who asked we not use her name or show her face because she still has to live at the apartment complex where her car disappeared. "My heart was pounding and I have health issues."
It turns out that her car was not stolen, but it was towed.
She showed FOX 4 documentation of the covered parking space she rents for $15 a month.
When she asked an apartment manager about her car, she was told she had made an error.
"She said, ‘Oh, it is one number off. That is the reason your car was towed,’" she said. "I said, ‘Is there anything you can do to help me retrieve my vehicle?’ She said, ‘No, you put it in, it was your error, your mistake. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. We don't show favoritism. If we do it for you, we have to do it for the whole apartment complex.’ I'm like, ‘Ma'am, I am not asking for any favoritism.’"
She has lived at the apartment complex 15 years.
Recently, the complex contracted with a new parking management company.
She showed FOX 4 the email from the company that said: "your vehicle has been approved by the community leasing officer for parking in the below area."
But her license plate had one wrong number, a "3" instead of a "2".
"I think it is unfair. I'm not denying a mistake was made, I'm human. It was one number off," she said.
And one number turned into a three-digit bill of $351.
"I'm retired and $350 is a lot of money. My income is fixed. I can't speak for everyone, but that is a big amount of money for me," she said. "I've never missed paying my rent. I've always paid on time."
And keep in mind that this was a parking space she paid for, not someone else's spot or visitor parking.
"[The documentation from the tow truck company] says no permit, reserved space, not registered online. Reality is, I do have a reserved spot, did register online. Due to a typo, it was towed," she said.
It's an issue advisory board members for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation recently said they are seeing more complaints about, and they plan to address it at their next meeting this summer.
"I am a veteran. I know about following orders. I hope this interview can help someone else," she added.
If you believe your car was illegally towed, you need to file for a hearing with the county justice of the peace, but you must take action before the 14th day after your car was towed.
You can also file a complaint at any time with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Helpful Links
- I just got towed! What do I do next?
- People who believe they were wrongly towed can file a complaint with TDLR:
- People can also request a hearing with a Justice of the Peace in the county where the tow occurred. Please note that the court hearing must be requested before the 14th day after the vehicle was removed and placed in a VSF. The court can charge you a fee for the hearing, which must be held within 21 calendar days of the court receiving your request. So it’s important to request that hearing before they file the complaint with TDLR first.