Local Republican women sound off on latest Trump controversy
The 2005 recording of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump bragging that he could grope women without permission, comes at a critical time for his campaign; barely one day before he and Hillary Clinton debate for the second time.
Trump's comments, released Friday, are provoking strong opinions across the political spectrum.
“I wasn’t surprised that a man would speak that way,” said local Republican Karen Watson. “I think that no blood was spilled because of that banter and i think he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Fox 4 sat down, Saturday, with three North Texas Republican women for their perspective on that conversation.
“I think that no blood was spilled because of that banter and i think he who is without sin cast the first stone,” said Sidney Powell.
The artist, author and former federal prosecutor all hold the same belief: what Trump said more than a decade ago should not derail him now.
Cindy Hodge says men aren’t the only ones who participate in this ‘locker room talk’, “On the flip side I’ve been in groups of women where I’ve heard things just as bad or worse.”
“Look at past presidents. I don’t care if they are Democrats or Republicans,” said Hodge, “if you want to listen to their tapes and see what they’ve said behind closed doors, or in the oval office, or what they’ve done in the oval office. I mean we can just open a whole can of worms.”
The women see the recent WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton’s speech transcripts to big businesses and bankers as more troublesome than Trump’s sex talk.
Hillary, I think, is even worse actually because her’s goes to the issues that we're voting on in the campaign and the WikiLeaks report contradicts completely what she's said on the campaign trail,” said Powell.
“We should have a conversation about narratives with men and women but our main issue at this juncture is how we get America moving again,” said Watson.
“This is the first time in years I felt patriotic again for my country,” agreed Hodge, “He's given me that hope that there is gonna be change that he's going to instigate it and make a change in our country now .”