Forney man sentenced to 120 years in prison for molesting toddler, taking nude photos of preteens

FILE IMAGE - Photo by J. Conrad Williams Jr./Newsday RM via Getty Images)

A Forney man who recorded himself molesting a toddler and used hidden cameras to take naked pictures of preteen girls was sentenced to 120 years in prison on Thursday.

Leslie Michael Alt, 40, pleaded guilty to two counts of production of child pornography and three counts of transportation of child pornography last year.

Court documents say investigators found sexually explicit videos on Alt's computer in August 2022.

During a search of Alt's house, an FBI electronic detection canine pointed investigators to a safe in the closet.

The safe appeared to be empty when the authorities opened it, but the dog continued to focus on the safe.

Agents removed the carpeted bottom of the safe and found SD cards and hidden camera.

On one of the SD cards, agents found a video of Alt abusing a toddler.

The victim's mother spoke during the sentencing.

"Seeing the images he had of my daughter as a toddler shattered me. Unable to voice she was uncomfortable, unable to communicate to me, her mother, that any of this was happening to her," she testified. "She currently does not have a conscious memory of what has happened. One day, I will have to tell her."

U.S. District Judge Ada Brown sentenced Alt to 1,440 months in prison.