Texas lawmakers recommend impeaching Attorney General Ken Paxton after Republican investigation

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TX House panel recommends Ken Paxton's impeachment

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton teetered on the brink of impeachment Thursday after years of scandal, criminal charges and corruption accusations that the state's Republican majority had largely met with silence for years until now.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton teetered on the brink of impeachment Thursday after years of scandal, criminal charges and corruption accusations that the state's Republican majority had largely met with silence for years until now. 

In a unanimous decision, a Republican-led House investigative committee that spent months quietly looking into Paxton recommended impeaching the state's top lawyer. The state House of Representatives could vote on the recommendation as soon as Friday. If the House impeaches Paxton, he would be forced to leave office immediately.  

The move sets up a remarkably sudden downfall for one of the GOP's most prominent legal combatants, who in 2020 asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn President Joe Biden's victory.

Only two officials in Texas' nearly 200-year history have been impeached.  

Paxton has been under FBI investigation for years over accusations that he used his office to help a donor and was separately indicted on securities fraud charges in 2015, but has yet to stand trial.

Unlike in Congress, impeachment in Texas requires immediate removal from office until a trial is held in the Senate. 

That means Paxton faces ouster at the hands of GOP lawmakers just seven months after easily winning a third term over challengers - among them George P. Bush - who had urged voters to reject a compromised incumbent, but discovered that many didn't know about Paxton's litany of alleged misdeeds or dismissed the accusations as political attacks. 

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott could appoint an interim replacement. 

Later in the day, Paxton sent an official statement from the AG's office.

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Texas Tribune: Committee votes to impeach AG Ken Paxton

The vote was unanimous -- impeach Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. That came from a Republican-led investigating committee. A full House vote could come soon but there are lots of details to sort out first. Good Day talked to Texas Tribune reporter James Barragan about the historic impeachment vote.

"Today, that committee has asked the Texas House of Representatives to use their unsubstantiated report to overturn the results of a free and fair election. This process provided no opportunity for rebuttal or due process. They even refused to allow a senior attorney from my office to provide the facts. They rejected every attempt to seek a full accounting of the truth," the statement said.

Paxton has suggested that the investigation that came to light to week is a politically motivated attack and said the Republican House leadership is too "liberal" for the state.

Chris Hilton, a senior lawyer in the attorney general's office, told reporters before Thursday's committee vote that what investigators said about Paxton was "false," "misleading," and "full of errors big and small." 

He said all of the allegations were known to voters when they reelected him in November.

Paxton tweeted during the executive session for the committee, "overturning elections begins behind closed doors."

Impeachment requires a two-thirds vote of the state's 150-member House chamber, where Republicans hold a commanding 85-64 majority. 

SMU Political Scientist Matthew Wilson says he believes the House has the votes.

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Texas Tribune: Republicans investigating AG Ken Paxton

Texas Tribune's political reporter James Barragan continues to follow and report on a story about Attorney General Ken Paxton. He's faced a felony indictment since 2015 and now there are a lot of new accusations out because of a GOP-led House committee investigation. Meanwhile, Paxton has come out fighting and targeting a fellow Republican -- House Speaker Dade Phelan.

"I think it's unlikely that they would have thrown the whole legislative session into turmoil unless they thought that they really could move in a substantive way against the Attorney General," Wilson said. "Of course, the bar for removal from office is high. It takes two-thirds in the state Senate and that really makes the Lieutenant Governor a pivotal player here because the Lieutenant Governor is the dominant party in the state Senate. What happens there largely happens because the Lieutenant Governor decides that it can happen."

Rep. Andrew Murr, the Republican chair of the investigative committee, said he did not know when a vote might be taken and Phelan's office declined to comment. 

In one sense, Paxton's political peril arrived with dizzying speed: House Republicans did not reveal they had been investigating him until Tuesday, followed the next day by an extraordinary public airing of alleged criminal acts he committed as one of Texas' most powerful figures. 

But to Paxton's detractors, who now include a widening share of his own party in the Texas Capitol, the rebuke was seen as years in the making. 

Paxton defends drinking accusations against Phelan, House investigators recount alleged misconduct by Paxton

A day after calling for House Speaker Dade Phelan to resign for allegedly drinking on the job, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is defending those claims. Phelan's camp argued that Paxton is using the video as a way to distract from a public hearing on an investigation into the attorney general on Wednesday.

In 2014, he admitted to violating Texas securities law over not registering as an investment advisor while soliciting clients. A year later, Paxton was indicted on felony securities charges by a grand jury in his hometown near Dallas, where he was accused of defrauding investors in a tech startup. He has pleaded not guilty to two felony counts that carry a potential sentence of five to 99 years in prison. 

He opened a legal defense fund and accepted $100,000 from an executive whose company was under investigation by Paxton's office for Medicaid fraud. An additional $50,000 was donated by an Arizona retiree whose son Paxton later hired to a high-ranking job but was soon fired after trying to make a point by displaying child pornography in a meeting.  

What has unleashed the most serious risk to Paxton is his relationship with another wealthy donor, Austin real estate developer Nate Paul. 

Several of Paxton's top aides in 2020 said they became concerned the attorney general was misusing the powers of his office to help Paul over unproven claims that an elaborate conspiracy to steal $200 million of his properties was afoot. The FBI searched Paul's home in 2019, but he has not been charged, and his attorneys have denied wrongdoing. Paxton also told staff members  that he had an affair with a woman who, it later emerged, worked for Paul. 

Paxton's aides accused him of corruption and were all fired or quit after reporting him to the FBI. Four sued under Texas' whistleblower laws, accusing Paxton of wrongful retaliation, and in February agreed to settle the case for $3.3 million, but the Texas House must approve the payout and Phelan has said he doesn't think taxpayers should foot the bill. 

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House investigators recount Paxton's alleged misconduct

For better than three hours, seasoned attorneys told the GOP-controlled House General Investigating Committee multiple times and multiple ways Paxton did not follow the law.

Shortly after the settlement was reached, the House investigation into Paxton began. The probe amounted to rare scrutiny of Paxton in the state Capitol, where many Republicans have long taken a muted posture about the accusations that have followed the attorney general. 

That includes Abbott, who in January swore in Paxton for a third term and said the way he approached the job was "the right way to run the attorney's general's office." 

Only twice has the Texas House impeached a sitting official: Gov. James Ferguson in 1917 and state Judge O.P. Carrillo in 1975.

Texas Democrats did release a statement. 

Chairman Hinojosa said, "While we fully support the Texas House voting to impeach Ken Paxton – We think it would be better for all Texans if he saved legislators the trouble, and taxpayer money, and just resigned on his own accord."

FOX 4 reached out to the Texas Republican party for a statement and are still waiting for a response. 

Gov. Abbott has also not reacted to the news. 

The Speaker of the House had no comment.
The Associated Press contributed to this report. Bleiberg reported from Dallas. Associated Press reporter Paul J. Weber contributed to this report from Austin.