Innocent driver in Dallas road rage shooting out of the hospital

An innocent driver was the victim of a road rage shooting in Dallas involving two other drivers.

The shooting victim was recently released from the hospital. Police are still searching for the shooter.

Life is different inside Chris and Kristina Randerson’s Arlington home. But the couple says it’s life that almost was lost. 

"What if the trajectory went higher into my head or neck? I think about all those things at night," Chris said.

Chris remembers driving eastbound on I-30 back on July 21 headed to work. When he exited Loop 12 North in West Dallas just after 6 a.m., he says he witnessed to a fender-bender chain reaction which turned into a shooting. 

"And where there is two lanes that come together, there was an old car that did a brake check on a brand new Corvette. The Corvette rear-ends the guy and then also gets hit from behind," Chris said. "This is all happening as I pull up right next to them. I was going to go on past and go to work. Well, the guy that did the brake check took off, and he took off right in front of me. The guy in the Corvette starts firing with me in between them, and he goes right through me."

"It went into the back of the truck. It actually has two holes," Kristina said.

The bullet that struck Chris in the back pierced through the tailgate of his truck, the back seat and then the front seat. 

Dallas police tell FOX 4 they did take a report, and the shooting investigation is ongoing. 

Thanks to adrenaline, Chris says he drove the last mile to work where his boss rushed him to the hospital. 

"They were treating me with such urgency. I knew then it was serious. Then I was starting to get scared," he said.

Doctors removed the bullet and fragments from Chris’ stomach during emergency surgery. 

Kristina stood by her husband’s side all last week in the hospital. 

"In the last couple years, I lost both of my parents," she said. "And I wasn’t going to let him go yet."

Chris was released over the weekend. He is now back at home where the reality is setting in. 

"Thankfully, my life will go on. But what happens the next time?" he said. "The next time he does it because he doesn’t get caught the first time? And then he does kill someone."

A witness did call Dallas police the day of the shooting and just described the white Corvette and the male shooter, but no one caught a tag.

The Randersons are hoping someone has a dash cam or took a video and will hand it over to police.