Frisco launches interactive coyote sightings map

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The City of Frisco wants people to help it keep track of coyotes after several attacks last year. It launched an interactive map that allows people to report sightings.

People started reporting aggressive coyotes near Eldorado Parkway and Preston Road in October. There were at least five known incidents in which a coyote attacked or stalked someone.

Police said the map will help show people which areas to avoid and which areas trappers should target.

“We do have to balance safety versus their right to live here also. So, we're going to keep examining and watching for these animals and when they become aggressive, those are the ones we want to pull out of that animal population,” said Chief John Bruce with the Frisco Police Department.

None of the coyotes captured so far have tested positive for rabies.

Donald Latham spotted a coyote on Thursday morning near a cemetery where he works off Eldorado Parkway. He said he’s seen the animal several times in the past few months and will report the information.

“When I walked up this morning within 20, 30 feet, he wouldn't just run off like most coyotes. He kind of circled me, and with the pictures I have you can tell he made a whole circle before he left,” Latham said.

The city said people can keep coyotes away by bringing in dog food, not feeding wildlife and picking up trash in the alley ways.