Fort Worth food bank giving away free turkeys ahead of Thanksgiving

One food bank in Tarrant County says demand is higher now than it was during the height of the pandemic in 2020. And the supply chain is only making it harder to get enough food on North Texas tables.

Each day this week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., a food giveaway is happening at the Community Food Bank on Galvez Avenue in Fort Worth.

Terry Thompson says a Thanksgiving feast for his family is taking shape thanks to this donation. 

"Just to have the opportunity to get everything I need for thanksgiving together. Sometimes times are hard and it’s really tough right now for the whole country," he said. "Not just individuals, but everybody’s having a really tough time."

Organizers say the demand is greater than it was last year at the height of the pandemic.

"We’re targeting 5,000 this year," said Community Food Bank Executive Director Regena Taylor. "But people are still calling in and have not registered and still asking, ‘Can we get a turkey?’"

RELATED: Tarrant Area Food Bank prepared to feed needy families ahead of Thanksgiving

The Fiesta Grocery Store at Miller Avenue and Berry Street has teamed up with Fort Worth ISD and the Amy Witherite Law Firm to address the need for turkeys.

A giveaway to provide over 1,000 families with turkeys is set for Friday.

"We are going to come in early and we’re going to be set up and will be giving them out at 9 a.m.," said Fiesta Store Director Chris Perez.

Perez calls it a great opportunity considering supply chain issues have resulted in a distinct increase in retail turkey prices.

It’s a fact that isn’t lost on Thompson. 

"It helps everybody. It helps us get through this," he said. "Knowing that there’s somebody cares that’s trying to help other people, it’s a beautiful thing."

The event at Fiesta is open to the public.

Fort WorthFood and DrinkHeartwarming NewsHolidaysCOVID-19 and the Economy