Cause of First Baptist Dallas fire 'to remain undetermined', Dallas Fire-Rescue says

We may never know the true cause of the fire at First Baptist Dallas' historic sanctuary in Downtown Dallas.

"The cause of the fire is going to remain undetermined," Dallas Fire-Rescue officials told FOX 4 in a statement.

The 133-year-old historic sanctuary at First Baptist Dallas was partially destroyed in a four-alarm fire on July 20. No one was injured in the blaze.

Officials believe the fire started in the building's basement.

The church is working to save as much of the exterior walls as they can and rebuild the building.

Earlier this week, the church said the investigation into the fire was still underway and that the demolition and clean out process would not be able to be wrapped up until the investigation came to a close.

First Baptist Dallas has continued to hold services in its new Worship Center.

Parts of that building were also damaged by the smoke and flames.

(Source: First Baptist Dallas)

First Baptist Dallas was started in 1868, but the red brick building, known as the historic sanctuary was not built until 1890, according to the Texas Historic Commission.

The church became a historical landmark in 1968.

It became a second sanctuary when the church opened a new facility in 2013.