Denton County mayors compete for best pizza; here's which city won
Denton County mayors compete in best pizza contest
Mayors from across Denton County met up in a fierce food competition. Find out which unique combination put one city's mayor a slice ahead of the rest.
LEWISVILLE, Texas - The mayors of cities in Denton County went head-to-head Wednesday to determine who could make the best pizza.
Nine mayors competed in the pizza creation contest at Motor City Pizza in Lewisville to help raise money for charities.
Judges rated the pizzas on appearance, execution, taste and texture, and overall creativity.
Plus, the more each mayor raised for one of 10 local charities, the higher the pizza was rated.
"We’re all mayors. We’re kind of competitive," Lewisville Mayor TJ Gilmore said. "I’m a bit of a foodie at heart, so it was kind of fun and made sense to me to riff on local food."
The cookoff raised more than $20,000 for Denton County charities.

Lake Dallas Mayor Andi Nolan was the winner with a pizza she called "The Fig and the Pig."
It was baked with smokey bacon and caramelized balsamic onions, then topped with dried fig slices.