Decatur ISD considers 4-day school week

A North Texas school district is considering making a move to a four-day school week.

Decatur ISD in Wise County polled parents and employees and found the shortened day was popular with both groups, but even more popular with employees.

In a presentation, the district says the move could help attract more teachers, reduce the need for substitutes and give more time to keep facilities clean and for maintenance and technology projects to be completed.

Some potential concerns brought up by the district would be a longer day for students and staff, a lack of structure and meals for children in need and that the move wouldn't save significant money.


Richardson ISD to hold parent meeting on proposed school closures

Parents in the Richardson Independent School District will get their first chance to talk with district leaders about some proposed school closures.

About 50 districts in North Texas already have four-day schedules. Decatur ISD consulted with Athens ISD about a potential switch.

If approved at a meeting on Monday night, classes would be held Monday through Thursday starting next school year.

The school board meeting starts at 6 p.m.

EducationWise County