DART considering fare increases in 2025
DART considers hiking fares for 2025
DART is planning to raise fares for some riders for the first time in six years.
DALLAS - DART is planning to raise fares for some riders for the first time in six years.
This week, the transit agency proposed getting rid of the single-ride and part-day passes, moving to a standard 3-hour fare.
Full-day passes would remain the same.
Monthly passes would increase from $96 to $126.
Reduced monthly passes would also increase from $48 to $63.

The new fares come after DART studied and reviewed its policies last year.
Several other changes are also under consideration, including a new discount program for veterans, making the discount GoPass program permanent and incentivizing bulk sales of tickets for events and programs.
The board is also considering changes to various school and corporate programs.
The changes would go into effect in early 2025, if approved.
DART is looking for the public's input on the changes.
You can give your feedback here.