Dallas police increase patrols in Oak Lawn after Orlando shooting

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Dallas police have increased patrols and officers in the Oak Lawn neighborhood in light of the Orlando mass shooting. Police say the extra measures are for the possibility of a copycat crime. It’s also an effort to create a better sense of safety for the residents of the predominantly LGBT neighborhood.

Chief David Brown, who took part in Sunday's vigil and massive march in Oak Lawn, fulfilled a promise to the LGBT community in wake of Sunday morning's massacre in Orlando.

Officers Gabriel Vasquez and Keith Leftwich are among those specifically assigned to patrol the area in squad car and on foot.

"We're doing everything we can so it doesn't happen here said Major Jimmy Vaughn, who is spear-heading the initiative. "To provide extra officers in patrols and bicycles and foot patrols in this area.”

Vaughn says there will also be undercover officers working the fringes in plain clothes. He admitted police relations have not always been good but sees them improving after the Oak Lawn demonstration that attracted nearly a thousand people.

"It was a show of unity, the tenacity of this community coming together,” said Vaughn. "Something phenomenal and I was really kind of proud of that. Wow. This is a really strong community."

Business owners and residents say they have noticed a difference.

“They've definitely made a presence around my neighborhood,” said resident Ashley Adams. "On a day to day basis, there's always a cop around."

"And in addition to the presence, it's the right type of presence,” said tattoo artist Jeremiah Odom. “It's the right type of cops with a good attitude."