Dallas County inmate caught using jail video call system to make child porn

Obadiah Fraser

A man who was in the Dallas County jail for the possession of child pornography was caught producing more child porn while in prison.

Obadiah Fraser pleaded guilty last year and was sentenced on Friday to more than 28 years in federal prison.

According to his plea document, Fraser was incarcerated in the Dallas County jail in 2022 for an unrelated possession of child pornography charge.

While he was there, the 26-year-old used a Securus Kiosk to video chat with a 17-year-old girl.

The Dallas County Sheriff's Office (DSO) says kiosks, which are like phonebooths for digital video calls, are in the general population areas of the facilities.

He instructed the girl to make sexually explicit videos of herself, yelling and cursing at her when she hesitated, the document says.

The jail was using a monitored video chat platform that is used by other corrections facilities across the country. Users are required to be at least 18 years old.

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Federal prosecutors said Fraser knew the girl was only 17 and encouraged her to use his cellmate’s wife’s account.

Fraser used his cellmates account to make the calls.

When confronted by jail officials, he admitted to making the videos, prosecutors said.

"This defendant willfully exploited a minor by coercing the victim into producing sexually explicit material without any regard for the mental and physical anguish his offenses would cause," said Lester R. Hayes Jr., Special Agent in Charge of HSI Dallas. "I’m grateful for the collaborative efforts between HSI and our law enforcement partners in ensuring another child predator is brought to justice."

In addition to his prison sentence, Fraser was ordered to register as a sex offender.

The Department of Justice originally stated the child pornography was made on an iPad.

DSO later clarified that the Dallas County Jail does not have iPads in its facilities.