Chick-fil-A employee finds $900 cleaning restaurant, returns it to rightful owner

Chick-fil-A employee Chase Withers was cleaning the dining room at the McDonough restaurant on Hwy 81 Friday afternoon when he made a shocking discovery.

"I was sweeping under the tables and then lo and behold I was about to sweep up an envelope and it had 50 dollar bills in it," Withers told FOX 5.

Withers scooped up the money and alerted manager Jalen Cornell.

"Obviously I was surprised, $900 is alot of money," he said.

The envelope also held the customer's Chick-fil-A receipt. Her name was printed on it.

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Cornell put the money in a safe place and was trying to track down its owner when the distressed woman showed up at the store about an hour later, in search of the lost cash.

"I gave her the money", said Cornell.  She was extremely, extremely grateful for it. Almost tears in her eyes. I mean it was a good moment to be able to give that back to her."

Management at Chick-fil-A Lake Dow shared  Withers' good deed on Facebook. The post has been shared dozens of times.

The young man and his co-workers are receiving high praise for their honesty and  integrity.

Withers says it was simply the right thing to do.

"I just try to stick to my Christian values and know what's right and know what's right and  what's wrong," he said.

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The Chick-fil-A team says the woman told them the $900 cash was her rent money. They are thrilled they were able to return the money to its rightful owner.

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