CES 2021: A closer look at artificial intelligence

Have a conversation with someone who speaks another language on a whole new level in real-time. It's just one of the ways artificial intelligence is being packed into new products at the 2021 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Health and wellness AI products that are all about helping people live better are trendy this year at CES.

The Moflin AI pet robot uses pretty sophisticated artificial intelligence to learn motions and make cute sounds. It’s really aimed at kids and adults as a companion robot, which may sound a little wonky until you think about the pandemic and how many people are facing isolation in this day and age.

"A robot like this has kind of interesting implications for our future," said Danielle Cassagnol, a spokeswoman for CES.

Another featured product that uses AI is the Timekettle Translation M2 Earbuds. What’s special about them is that they are capable of translating over 93 foreign languages.

So someone with an earbud in their ear could listen to another person speaking in a foreign language and get an instantaneous translation. Two people both wearing earbuds could have a real-time conversation even though they don’t speak the same language.

"It’s so interesting when you think about traveling or, you know, attending a class in a different country. Really sophisticated technology," Cassagnol said.

The BioButton from BioIntelliSense is a small piece of technology that works like a sticker to track things like body temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate – some of the key indicators that can show the early signs of COVID-19.

Finally, wearables have been a big category for a long time but now the technology inside is all new. Verizon was on the keynote stage earlier in the week showing off their CarSmart Watch, which is simple, easy to use and aimed at seniors so that their caregivers can receive those emergency SOS notifications.

Some of the products of tomorrow are available today. For more information, visit Steve Noviello on Facebook at facebook.com/savemesteve.



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