Austin man earns gun license despite having no arms

An Austin man is now licensed to carry a gun despite not having arms. His instructor says it took a few hours to teach the student, and he passed with flying colors.

"It brought me to tears, I wanted to cry because I was happy that I was able to help this young man," said Central Texas Gun Works owner Michael Cargill. "He wanted to be able to protect himself."

In a video posted to social media, Central Texas Gun Works instructor Michael Cargill can be seen standing behind a student as he loads a gun with his feet and shoots at the target. 

"He walked in, he said, ‘hey, I want to learn how to shoot, I want to qualify to get my license to carry a handgun," Cargill said. "I said 'piece of cake.’"

The instructor says he worked with the student in the classroom and taught him how to hold and unload the gun. The most complicated part was loading the magazine. 

"We had to work with what toe he was going to use to actually pull on the trigger and how he was going to hold the gun, nice and steady, all while looking at your sight," Cargill said. "Your front sight and your rear sight."


The student passed the written and shooting test using a Ruger LCP II.

"He didn’t just barely pass, he passed with flying colors and was an outstanding student," Cargill said. "It was a piece of cake, he fired from the 3-yard line, the 7-yard line and the 15-yard line, the only thing I did for him that was different is I allowed him to sit on a chair."

Michael Cargill says it was the first time he has taught someone without arms, and he will use the video as inspiration for those who plan on taking his course.

"This young man had no arms, no hands, and he was able to actually shoot and pass and do exceptionally well at the gun range," Cargill said.
