Suspect arrested for Arlington hit-and-run that killed Marine reservist on her way to drills

Arlington police said they’ve found the suspected hit-and-run driver who killed a Marine reservist on her way to drills.

Josue Rodriguez was arrested by U.S. Marshals and North Texas Fugitive Task Force officers in Fort Worth on Tuesday.

Investigators believe the 26-year-old was the driver of the Chevy pickup truck that drove off after fatally striking 21-year-old Areauna Laws on Interstate 20 in June. 

Laws was having car trouble and was standing near her car on the side of the interstate near Matlock Road in Arlington when she was hit. She died at the scene.

The 21-year-old's parents say she had just left their home before the crash.

"It was just all so abruptly, unexpectedly and unfortunately tragically stopped," said Lawrence Laws, Areauna's father.

"We miss her so much. but we are thankful for the 21 years," said Sharon Laws, her mother.

The pickup truck driver never stopped. Police say witnesses who saw the impact were key.

"There were several witnesses who gave us a very good description of the vehicle, a 1975 tan Chevrolet Cheyenne. an older model pick up truck that’s kind of unique looking," said Tim Ciesco with Arlington Police.

Officers later found the truck abandoned at a nearby shopping center.

Police said Rodriguez is the registered owner of the vehicle.

He tried to deny being involved in a hit-and-run crash and in the initial interview told investigators he left his vehicle parked outside a Benbrook business after attending a party on the day of Laws’ death.

At the time, police did not have enough probable cause for an arrest.

But police said they found video from security cameras that showed him leaving the party venue in the truck and then later abandoning it in the parking lot.

"They were able to see the truck pull into the parking lot, an individual that we believe is Mr. Rodriguez, get out of the car, go into the venue and then several hours later the same individual comes back to the car gets in it and drives away," said Ciesco.

Cell phone records also indicate he placed multiple phone calls near the crash scene in Arlington just before and just after the crash.


Search continues for Arlington hit-and-run driver that killed Marine reserve on her way to drills

The 21-year-old was in uniform driving to drills early Sunday morning. Arlington police say Areauna had a flat tire and pulled onto the shoulder of I-20 near Matlock Road. That's when she was hit by a driver who never stopped.

Rodriguez is now charged with an accident involving death. 

Police say the lapse in time between the crash and finding Rodriguez limits their overall case.

"There is at least some suspicion that alcohol may have played a role, but again, because we have to be able to prove things in court after discussing things with the DAs office, we decided the best course of action was accident involving death," said Ciesco.

He’s being held in the Tarrant County jail with his bond set at $40,000. 

"I don’t believe in my heart that it was intentional. it was an accident. it was the way he handled it after the fact that is disturbing," said Sharon Laws.

The Laws plan to see Rodriguez in court and, over time, work towards forgiveness.

"I can come to full resolution and not hold this over that person's head," said Lawrence Laws.

Family members said Areauna was in the United States Marine Corps Reserves and was on her way to drills when she got the flat tire.

She was set to graduate from nursing school in December and her wedding was scheduled for next summer.