Frisco mom goes viral with post about body shaming

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A Frisco mother has become a champion for body image acceptance after a trip to a UPS Store.

Brynne Huffman was wearing jean shorts and a flowy white top when she went to drop off a package. The woman in line behind her complimented her hair, but added “you should probably rethink the shorts.”

Huffman posted on Facebook about the experience and shared her frustration.

"Let me pause for a moment to tell you it took some courage to both purchase and wear said shorts because my legs, while tan from swimming and muscular from dancing, are (1) not where I would like them to be and (2) are not up traditional beauty standards (read: Photoshopped) because cellulite," she wrote.

She goes on to question society's standards. "Gender doesn't matter. Race doesn't matter. Religion doesn't matter. Sexual orientation doesn't matter. But fat? Apparently fat matters."

"Listen, people. Especially women. Plus sized doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy. Plus sized doesn't necessarily mean lazy. Plus sized doesn't mean ugly or undesirable or untalented or uncoordinated or LESS. THAN. HUMAN," she writes. You might have an issue with my body. I don't. And I've worked very hard past judgmental family and friends, past divorce, past depression to NOT have an issue with my body."

"Women. Do not tear each other down. Celebrate each other. Every day," she writes.

The post quickly spread with more than 150,000 shares and Huffman was praised for speaking out against fat shaming.

Huffman stopped by Good Day Friday morning to talk about what she’s doing to help others be proud of their bodies.