Everman residents begin cleaning up after floods

People in the Fort Worth suburb of Everman were hit hard by weekend flooding and now they're trying to clean up the mess that was left behind.

Storms that passed through North Texas late Friday night caused the water to rise up to six feet in some parts of the city. The Everman Police Department said the worst flooding occurred along Christie Avenue, east of Race Street.

The flood waters damaged more than 60 homes and many people were forced to evacuate. Some took shelter at the local high school.

Dustin Esterline couldn’t salvage very much. He described rapids raging down his street. The waters calmed but didn’t recede right away.

“Right here was like waist deep, walking around making sure neighbors were alright,” Esterline said.

On Sunday, the American Red Cross and other volunteers helped the flood victims start the cleanup process. The police department set out four large dumpsters but they are already overflowing.

Couches, chairs, refrigerators, bags of trash and other debris now line many curbs.

“Everybody’s got their life sitting out at the curb, but like I say we’ll move on,” said Jimmie Reason, who had several feet of water in his home. “Not a very good situation. Everything out of the ordinary, got to get my daughter to school. Everything is weird because house is destroyed, routine has been broken -- but it’s ok, we’ll get it back.”

Some people have insurance but not all of it covers flooding.

Four feet of soggy drywall has been cut away in every room of Alberto González’ home. He said the water rose from the creek next to his backyard.

The city of Everman said bulk trash pickup will begin Monday in the neighborhoods affected by the floods.

The city is also taking donations of boxes, large bags and plastic totes. Those items can be dropped off at the Everman City Hall, where the police department has set up a disaster relief station. That’s also where people should go if they need assistance or information about what resources will be available to them.

Reason said he put up Christmas lights to raise his neighbors’ spirits. He cooked for his neighbors this weekend and again on Monday.

“You can’t change anything just got to make the best of it, make a good time of it.”