Police: Man killed by Dallas security guard was naked, unarmed

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An armed security officer charged with murder told police the man he shot had a gun. He did not.

Police said Vincent Hobbs shot 32-year-old Christopher Willard outside the Oasis Apartments in east Oak Cliff Sunday night.

An arrest warrant affidavit states Willard punched a female security guard in the face before the shooting. Hobbs and other guards responded as backup.

They went into Willard’s apartment to confront him. He was shot during a struggle that spilled out of the apartment. He later died at the hospital.

Hobbs told police he shot Willard in self-defense because the man was running towards him with a gun.

According to the court document, a witness and body camera video from another security officer revealed Willard was not armed. He was actually naked at the time.

Hobbs has bonded out of jail.